Dr Paul Armenores


Skin Checks

Full  body skin examinations (with or without photographs for future comparisons) are offered upon patient request or on a regular ongoing basis.

Dr Armenores studied for 12 years to be recognised as a specialist skin doctor and is well trained in the detection of skin cancers.

Set up for full body photos at the Hove Specialist Clinic

Set up for full body photos at the Hove Specialist Clinic

The Rapid Review List

The ‘Rapid Review List’ was developed for patients needing quick access to Dr Armenores for the assessment of new or changing lesions. Traditionally, patients needing to see a dermatologist could wait months for an appointment, so it was decided that any patient with potential skin cancer should have priority access to Dr Armenores.  

The list runs differently to a standard session. Only skin checks are performed, i.e. these appointments are not for the assessment of rashes. Appointments are short and focused on the lesions of concern. A biopsy may be performed on the day, however, treatments are always scheduled for a later date. The intent is to either reassure patients that their lesions are benign or to streamline their booking for treatment without having to wait months to be seen.

We aim that the maximum wait for a patient to be seen is 4 weeks.


Dr Armenores has set-up his practices to enable rapid excision of skin cancers, typically within a matter of days (and with notice at the time of booking, on the day of initial consultation).

He is able to perform simple excisions as well as flaps and skin grafting for larger and more complex lesions on all parts of the body.

Patients with private health insurance may want to take advantage of their hospital cover and have their surgery performed at Hove Day Surgery - adjacent to Hove Specialist Clinic.

Procedures can be performed with or without sedation depending on patient preference.

One of the Hove Specialist Clinic treatment rooms

One of the Hove Specialist Clinic treatment rooms

Photodynamic Therapy


Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is one of the newer treatment options for mild skin cancers and sun damage. A special cream is applied to the skin which becomes activated by light to remove the cancer. It has the advantage of not leaving large surgical scars.

Dr Armenores offers two versions of the treatment:

1) 'Daylight PDT' for patients wanting to treat their face and scalp for broad areas of sun damage. The medicated cream is applied by Dr Armenores in the midmorning and then the patient is required to remain outdoors in the sun for two hours to activate the cream. Patients can expect redness to the areas treated for around ten days (this is relatively quick compared to other older modalities).  

2) The Aktilite lamp is used to treat some skin cancers, particularly those on the lower leg that may be difficult to excise. The medicated cream is applied by Dr Armenores over the cancer, and it is then protected from light for three hours, giving it time to absorb (patients can leave the practice during this period). The Aktilite lamp is then illuminated over the cancer for a short duration to activate the cream and remove the cancer. The treatment is usually repeated after two weeks.


The ablative lasers are highly effective at removing sun damage and certain skin cancers. Treatment is typically performed using topical or local anaesthetic, but in certain circumstances a general anaesthetic can be organised.

Topical field therapies

For patients wanting to treat their skin at home for sun damage and certain skin cancers, Dr Armenores can discuss the range of creams available and prescribe the one that best suits your issues and circumstances. Dr Armenores makes a point of observing you during and after the treatment phase to ensure optimal outcomes.



Treatment of sun damage and certain skin cancers with liquid nitrogen cryotherapy remains extremely popular with many patients. It is quick, requires minimal after-care and can be repeated as often as necessary.

Prevention of skin cancers

For patients at high risk of developing skin cancers in the future, Dr Armenores can prescribe and monitor specialised medications that aid in the reducing the rate of skin cancers appearing.